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Geology students in the field

Geology is the perfect field for people who love the natural world. If you like math and science and you love to spend time outdoors, a degree in geology is a great option for you. Geologists are in high demand to work in energy, mineral, water, and environmental fields.

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Students with the goal to earn a B.S. in Geology can prepare for transfer by completing the following pathway.

Freshman (Semester 1)
Course Title Credits
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
GEO 1110 Physical Geology 4
GEO 1115 Physical Geology Lab 1
ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing 3
GNST 1200 Foundations 3
GEO 2501 Geology Field Studies I 1
Freshman (Semester 2)
Course Title Credits
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
GEO 1220 Historical Geology 3
GEO 1225 Historical Geology Lab 1
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing 3
GEO 2502 Geology Field Studies II 1
  Fine Arts GE Class 3
  Life Science GE Class 3
Sophomore (Semester 3)
Course Title Credits
MATH 1210 Calculus I 5
CHEM 1210 Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1215 Principles of Chemistry I Lab 1
  Humanities GE class 3
GEO 2501 Geology Field Studies I 1
  Social Science GE Class 3
Sophomore (Semester 4)
Course Title Credits
MATH 1220 Calculus II 4
CHEM 1220 Principles of Chemistry II 4
CHEM 1225 Principles of Chemistry II Lab 1
  American Institutions GE Class 3
GEO 2502 Geology Field Studies II 1
GEO 1800 Introduction to GIS 3
Note: the information above will make a student transfer-ready for a Geology BS program at another school. Below are the base requirements to earn the AS in Geology at Snow College:
  • Complete 60 credits, including the General Education requirements
  • Pass GEO 1010 and 1015 or GEO 1110 and GEO 1115
  • Pass GEO 1220 and GEO 1225 or CHEM 1210 or MATH 1210

Students in geology, geography, agriculture, and other fields can earn a credential showing technology skills.

Course Title Credits Note
GEO 1700 GIS and GPS Navigation 3  
GEO 1800 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 3 May substitute CS 1400 and CS 1405
GEO 2845 Drone Certification 1  
GEO 2800 Intermediate GIS 4  
GEO 2850 Cartography 3  
GEO 2900 Applied Geographic Information Systems 3 May substitute GEO 2997, GEO 2846, or AGTM 2600

While we recommend that geology students earn the Associate of Science (AS), an AA in Geology is also available.

The Associate of Arts has the same requirements as the AS with the addition of a foreign language (complete a 1020-level language course).

Students who are still exploring career paths might be interested in a more general major in Physical Science. To be fully ready to transfer, however, complete the AS in Geology.

Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 18-20 credits
Meta-major Requirements 6 credits
Choose 6 credits from this list:
CHEM 1210/5 Principles of Chemistry and Lab (5 credits)  
GEO 1010/5 Survey of Geology and Lab (4 credits)  
GEO 1100/5 Physical Geology and Lab (4 credits)  
MATH 1210 Calculus I (4 credits)  
Total 60 credits

Discover ways you can transfer your credits to some of the following colleges:

For more information on transferring within public colleges and universities in Utah, see UtahTransferGuide.